Silk Road Youth Talks

20 March, 2023

Silk Road Youth Talks about Civilization Exchange

A group of Pakistani Students was invited to the Silk Road Youth dialogues which consisted of representation of Youth ambassadors of numerous nations as well as experts in the field of International relations, such as government officials, diplomats and business people with successful enterprises running globally such as the Ali Baba group. Organized in the China Soong Ching ling Youth and Culture Exchange Centre. The activity was an educational insight into the projects which are part of the silk road initiative which offer opportunities to youth globally in China backed projects such as the Belt and Road initiative. Started by the China Promotion Council established in 2005; it is the largest consortium of international exchange social organizations in China dedicated to promoting friendship between Chinese and foreigners.

The theme of this conference was "Contributing Youth Power and Promoting Civilization Dialogue". Guest speakers included Mr. Chen Zhou, Vice minister of the international department of the CPC central committee; Mr. Li Xikui, Vice President of the Chinese People Association for Friendship with foreign countries; Mr. Carlos Larrea, Ambassador of Ecuador to China and other notable experts.
The discussions revolved around how The Chinese government specifically Chairman Xi Jing Ping has stressed upon the importance of bridging the gaps between cultures and acting together to put aside our differences to form better functioning global economies. The main point in the conference was to accentuate the role of the youth in cultural exchange activities and how these directly link towards achieving a more common goal which is a countries economic wealth. Adding to that the exchange of cultures showcases the numerous goods which are traditionally produced in local communities to reach a wider audience through global trade, benefiting those who produce them while also providing a better product to the end consumer. 

Further-more there was an insight fully informative round table discussion with experts from various fields such as education, civil service, business and science. All this intellect gathered to discuss and provide the impacts of the roles of youth on cultures as well as their importance in sustaining as well as invigorating cultural values throughout the globe. Notable members of this panel were: Ms. Sun Jisheng, Vice President of China Foreign Affairs University; Mr. Michael Crook, Chairman of international Committee of the promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives; Ms. Xing Yue, Vice President of Alibaba Group; Madam Shani Calyaneratne Karunaratne, Former Deputy ambassador to China, Mongolia and North Korea and former Ambassador to Lebanon and Syria, she attended the session through online video link. The discussions consisted of the importance of culture and its sustenance as a heritage which is a treasure to the youth passed on to them from their elders. The youth have been responsible in preserving this heritage through various forms such as art, music, videography, business and literature, which is a positive and uplifting aspect of the future which shines ahead of us. 
In conclusion the conference was an amazing learning and growth opportunity for the young Pakistanis as well as the other youth members who were present there. Absorbing the insights of qualified individuals in various socioeconomic fields as well as interacting with like minded youth who were also part of the conference, expanding their horizons towards greener pastures all the while not forgetting their roots. 

Essam Waqar

Essam is a student, he loves photography and writing, in his free time he writes blogs about different topics.

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